Depending on what version of Windows you have on your computer, follow the corresponding instructions:
Windows 10
Follow the instructions on this page to remove OneLaunch from your computer.
- Open the Start menu by clicking the Start button
, usually located in the bottom-left corner of your screen.
- Type “uninstall” on your keyboard.
- In the results, under “Best match”, click “Add or remove programs”.
- In the newly opened window, scroll down until you find OneLaunch.
- Click OneLaunch, then click “Uninstall”, another window will appear, click “Uninstall” again.
- If Windows asks for permission for OneLaunch to make changes to your computer, click “Yes”.
- OneLaunch will ask if you’re sure you want to uninstall. Click “Yes” to uninstall, or “No” to cancel.
- Once OneLaunch has finished uninstalling, click “OK”.
- You may need to restart your computer to restore your system's settings.
If you're having trouble uninstalling OneLaunch by following the above instructions, download and run our uninstall helper utility.
- Download the uninstall helper here.
Click on the file to start the uninstallation process. If you’re having trouble locating the file, follow these steps:
- Click Start.
- Type “File Explorer”.
- Click on File Explorer in the results.
- Once File Explorer is open, find and click “Downloads” on the left-hand side.
- In the window that opens, double-click on “OneLaunchHelper”
- Click Start.
- The helper will ask for confirmation to uninstall OneLaunch. Click “Yes” to uninstall OneLaunch, or click “No” to cancel.
- Windows may ask for your permission to uninstall OneLaunch. Click “Yes” to continue.
- Once the uninstallation is complete, click “OK”.
Check out a YouTube Video on this topic from the OneLaunch Team: How to Uninstall OneLaunch (Windows 10)
Windows 11
Follow the instructions on this page to remove OneLaunch from your computer.
- Open the Start menu by clicking the Start button
, usually located at the bottom of your screen.
- Type “uninstall” on your keyboard.
- In the results, under “Best match”, click “Add or remove programs”.
- In the newly opened window, in the “Search apps” search bar, type “OneLaunch” or scroll down until you find OneLaunch.
- Click on the 3 dots to the right of OneLaunch, then click “Uninstall”.
- Another window will appear stating “This app and its related info will be uninstalled” Click “Uninstall”.
- If Windows asks for permission for OneLaunch to make changes to your computer, click “Yes”.
- OneLaunch will ask if you’re sure you want to uninstall click “Yes” to uninstall, or “No” to cancel.
- Once OneLaunch has finished uninstalling, click “OK”.
- You may need to restart your computer to restore your system's settings.
If you're having trouble uninstalling OneLaunch by following the above instructions, download and run our uninstall helper utility.
- Download the uninstall helper here.
Click on the file to start the uninstallation process. If you’re having trouble locating the file, follow these steps:
- Click Start.
- Type “File Explorer”.
- Click on File Explorer in the results.
- Once File Explorer is open, find and click “Downloads” on the left-hand side.
- In the window that opens, double-click on “OneLaunchHelper”
- Click Start.
- The helper will ask for confirmation to uninstall OneLaunch. Click “Yes” to uninstall OneLaunch, or click “No” to cancel.
- Windows may ask for your permission to uninstall OneLaunch. Click “Yes” to continue.
- Once the uninstallation is complete, click “OK”.
For additional support check out this article: OneLaunch Uninstall Instructions
Check out a YouTube Video on this topic from the OneLaunch Team: How to Uninstall OneLaunch (Windows 11)