Here’s how to get directions using OneLaunch’s own Maps app:
1. If you haven’t already, turn on the Maps app from the Apps Library panel. Instructions can be found here.
2. Click the “Maps” app button on the OneLaunch dock. It should look like this:
3. There will be 3 sections to get directions from Maps, Explore, and Sites.
1. Under “How are you traveling?”, click one of the following to indicate how you plan on getting to your destination:
Indicates you plan on driving to your destination.
Indicates you plan on walking to your destination.
Indicates you plan on taking public transportation to your destination.
Indicates you plan to cycle to your destination.
2. Enter where you are traveling from into the text box below “Starting from”.
3. Enter where you would like to travel to into the text box below “Going to”.
4. Click “Get Directions” and OneLaunch will open directions in your favorite browser.
Note: If you click “Print Directions”, OneLaunch will open the print directions in your favorite browser.
Click on any of the suggestions below and it will open up a map with places in your location on your favorite browser.
A list of map websites, when clicked OpenLaunch will take you to their website in your favorite browser.
For how to use Google Maps please watch this quick tutorial.
If you need help understanding OneLaunch’s Map app watch this quick overview.
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